"A Guy Walks Into the..."
Veterans Administration (VA)
Every year, millions of veterans receive benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA). And those benefits range from health care to employment placement to home loans! But how does it work, who's covered, and what does the VA actually do? Let's take a look.
For this activity, I want you to examine all of the data below, and respond to the following needs, found in red. On a separate sheet of paper, you can simply "answer their questions". Remember, this is just Part 1 of the activity, with more of the "fun stuff" coming next class period.
For this activity, I want you to examine all of the data below, and respond to the following needs, found in red. On a separate sheet of paper, you can simply "answer their questions". Remember, this is just Part 1 of the activity, with more of the "fun stuff" coming next class period.
"A Guy Walks Into the VA, and Asks..."
- My grandfather received "VA benefits" up until the day he died. And after he passed, I realize that I really didn't know about his life, his service to the country, or how he was able to leave this inherantance money for me! Can you give me a short history of the "VA" and just a general overview of what they do?
- I'm a recent veteran from the Iraq War. Do you offer health insurance for veterans, regardless of status in the military?
- I've heard that the VA offers great ways to "start your life" after you do your services overseas. Something about college loans and home loans? Can you tell me more about this?
- My uncle came back from Vietnam...and he's still really messed up. A lot of his friends are homeless, without families, and some have even killed themselves! Is there any help available for those who are really sick?